蘑菇文> 高中英语作文> My family

My family 600字高中英语作文

时间: 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  I have a happy family. Although there may be some flaws, I still feel that I have the best family in the world. Let me introduce my family to you.

  My mother is a teacher. As a chemistry teacher, he is very familiar with chemistry. Although it's a long way from my life. But the business of chemistry actually has many applications in life. In a subtle way, he taught me a lot about chemistry. As a result, I was very skilled in chemistry class in junior high school and was able to get high scores. He will also do some beautiful chemistry experiments. There are blue potions, yellow potions. It's a wonderful change in the test tube. That would be great. My father is a doctor. He comes home late every time. Because there are endless patients in the hospital. Sometimes the hospital has a few minutes with the patient. There are also many, many things that are not going well in life. But doctors take pleasure in taking hostages. I think this is the most precious. Doctors are one of the most beautiful professions in the world. And so is the teacher. I think the careers of our parents are very noble. So I think I'm happy. Tell me more about me. Because my mother is a teacher, my father is a doctor, so I have a lot of learning experience and life experience. In fact, I know a lot of things, but a lot of things are I personally do. The family gave me a good exercise environment. Make me an outgoing and experienced person.

  My family's favorite thing to do is to go for an outing. We have been to many places in China. Including Imperial Palace in Beijing, Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan and West Lake in Hangzhou. Every holiday our family will go to travel together, this is a very memorable period of time. I think my family is very happy.

My family

My dream

  Growing up, we were constantly being asked about our dreams. When we were very young, we often dreamed of being a teacher or a policeman. I think this is the dream of most people when they were young. Of course, there are people who may have bigger dreams. For example, some people want to be scientists, some people want to be very powerful general .Some people may have persisted, but some people have not.

  My dream is to be a vet. This dream is very strange, in fact, this is very long for me. I want to be a vet. I grew up dreaming of it. The veterinary profession may be an unpopular profession. But I think someone must do the work. Animals get sick as well as people.When the animals are angry, they don't enjoy the same perfect and comfortable treatment as we do. I think being a vet is very meaningful. First of all, he's my hobby. It's a hobby I grew up with. Because I think this is very meaningful and can help small animals other than people. Secondly, I think he is also very promising. Because it is an unpopular profession, it is said that competition with others becomes less. This allows me to better develop their talents, have more time and energy to compete with others. Many people may not understand. But I feel that this is what I did and what I should do. My parents are also very supportive of me. Although sometimes I feel confused about this future. But everyone around me will encourage me to give me confidence and hope again. I think the vet must be the job I'm going to do and always will be. What about you? What is your dream?

上一篇:Strange dreams

下一篇:My dream


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