蘑菇文> 高中英语作文> Relief

Relief 600字高中英语作文

时间: 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Today I heard something interesting from one of my patients. Perhaps I should feel frustrated because I lose patient, but I even feel a little released because I can finally get rid of her. She just paid a very small amount of money for her consulting, because she couldn't affect more and at that time I wanted to do her a little favor.

  As time goes by, I gradually feel that it's a waste of time. She keeps complaining and refuses to do anything to change her life. Time will pass by no matter what happens. I could make better use of my time instead of spending time on trying to cure her.

  Well, now she turns to another therapist. It seems that this therapist is not excellent at all. It can be seen from the advice she gave to patients. I don't think such advice should be taken because it is neither useful nor practical. Anyway it is none of my business, I'm just curious. I wonder how far other therapists can go. I don't believe that patient can recover from depression soon.

  To think of something more blissful and joyful, I received a great deal of salary earlier. Besides, yesterday I offered my help to an old man who had seen more than 7 therapists still with his disease remaining. Probably these therapists failed to find out the problem, while I was lucky enough to ask some certain questions relating to his symptom. A sense of accomplishment came to me after solving his problem. He thanked me twice for my advice and guidance.


Collapse of Business

  Dearest Leah:

  I am writing to have a discussion with you on the current situation. Closures and unemployment take place now and then, provoking a cascade of financial straits. His company went out of business, and I have to admit such a collapse is possible after learning the fact that business failures have significantly increasing because of the spread of COVID-19.

  Neither job hunting nor starting a new business is easy, so he temporarily stays at home, seeking for opportunities for career development. We both face difficulties but we would never fall prey to despair. The harder our life is, the more strong we will become after overcoming all the fear, trouble and laziness.

  It's advisable to practice thrift and cut down on unnecessary profligate spending according to the status quo. Luckily we are not short of money but still we shouldn't be extravagant. What's more, I am trying my best to pile up money. The accumulation of money is always my interest. Besides, I also think one's life should be occupied with some important matters. Sometimes I want to spend much time playing video games, but I am sure that filling a day with work is better.

  I implore you to write back to me. Tell me about your details.

  Yours Sincerely, Karin


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